Relief, Restart and Reshape

a response to the COVID 19 pandemic

The COVID 19 virus has brought the world to a standstill. As the fight to control the pandemic rages, it is increasingly clear that it is the lowest socio-economic strata of society that is reeling from the consequences of poor leadership and decision making.
Governments at every level are doing their very best, in the manner in which they know best. What is unfolding in many countries is a case of unintended consequences of good intentions. India is no different.
Several issues are already before us.

  • Loss of livelihood, food and shelter
  • Slippage below the poverty line
  • Decline in critical public services, especially health and education

We see a national response emerging in three phases:


This is ongoing and expectedly will continue for the foreseeable future. We estimate that probably close to 15 crore households nationwide have been directly impacted in the immediate.
Our efforts will be to support provision of goods and services that help with sustenance. In terms of goods, this would cover physical items such as food supplies, household supplies, basic health and hygiene supplies, clothing, Covid 19 specific supplies such as masks, soap and sanitizers and similar. Wherever needed, we will supplement this activity with public service messaging and facilitating access to the myriad services that are or will be on offer.


This phase is expected to begin soon enough. With the focus mainly on What to do and not so much on How to do, we anticipate several challenges emerging simultaneously, not in the least a surge in Covid 19 transmissions.
We believe that the Covid 19 pandemic has in a way done a great service in bringing into sharp focus, the many socio-economic and structural challenges that already existed. Our efforts will be simply to help individuals and communities Regain momentum once more.


A sense of carpe diem seems all pervading. Everything is up for a Review and Reset!
Our efforts would be in bringing the best of knowledge and practice to assist individuals and communities to Reimagine their lives. Our work will demonstrate models and interventions that will truly place people at the centre of ownership and decision making.
We believe our work would be fundamentally integrated factoring the inter-connectedness between people, resources and technology.


In the immediate Relief phase, we see our role in raising, pooling and deploying financial resources to reach the most affected. There will be no replication of efforts. We will work with and through partner organisations who are already on the front lines.
In the Restart and Reshape phase we shall adopt an approach that will combine independent action as well as partnerships.
For fund raising, we have entered into a partnership with Points for People to launch the Points for People – IndiaNext Program.
You may also write to us at for more information on this program.